There Are Many Impactful Subtleties CIOs and Other High-Ranking Corporate Officers Should Be Aware of When Looking to Develop Enterprise Software for Their Companies
It may be no ground-breaking news, but roughly half of enterprise-grade software development projects turn belly up when first released. They either then have to be rescued by their owners (certainly, by throwing tons of good money after bad), or just get abandoned to their fate.
Numerous headlines having been made and whopping losses (sometimes hundreds of millions of dollars) incurred by iconic market players in a bunch of industries, we seem to be no closer to a solution than we were, say, 10 years ago. Why?
In our view, there are just too many devils in the details on both the technical and management levels of which even quite experienced enterprise software providers are not yet aware. Many of the things that seem like no big deal, but are, potentially, able to derail a project have to be learned empirically. These things are not mentioned as part of any formalized domain-specific knowledge.
To complicate matters even further, a lot of the time these hazards have to be dealt with collectively by many different project stakeholders. Some of these stakeholders represent the client.
In this article, we’ll share with you several such empirical insights of the great many we’ve picked up while building enterprise-grade software. If you are looking to develop an enterprise application, these tips may help you keep better tabs on your software development contractor.
Development-Related Tips
First and foremost, most enterprise software development projects usually represent wide-ranging development efforts that involve a number of experts. Each of these experts has their own coding habits and their own idea about the way code should look like. After a while, these often conflicting views and habits result in a coding mess that becomes difficult (if not completely impossible) to manage or straighten out. The quality of the code prevents newcomers from getting a handle on the project specifics within a reasonable space of time.