Extend Your Development Team

As a favorably located and well-seasoned Ukrainian customer software provider, we have everything to help you find and hire precisely the kind of IT talent you need.

We employ 150+ highly qualified IT professionals with 3-20 years of relevant professional experience. All of our engineers are university-educated in a relevant area, have a working command of spoken and written English, and have, as a general rule, taken part in implementing projects for some of Europe’s leading brands.

Our clients

Our Recruitment Team

We have an enormously experienced HR & Recruitment Team that is able to get hold of just that special set of skills you miss and seem to have been unable to track down for ages. We have immediate access to our local city IT community of some 25 000 highly qualified IT experts. We have the expertise to size up our candidates’ worth to save your time, spare you any excessive hassle and help you make an optimal selection.

Finally, we have our reputation as a stable and desirable employer to help you extend your in-house team with the best IT talent available out there.

How Fast Can We Help With Your Augmented Team Needs?

This may come as a surprise, but we are, often, able to help you right away. If you need 1-2 seasoned developers or QA engineers, the latter is likely to be the case in most instances. Whether you require a further team extension or several more candidates to enhance your team, we can do an additional search of candidates to fit your software development project needs.

Average Time for Candidates Search:

  • Software Developers — 3-7 weeks
  • Software Architects — 4-8 weeks
  • Manual QA Engineers — 2-6 weeks
  • Automated QA Engineers — 4-7 weeks
  • Project Managers — 4-6 weeks
  • Business Analysts — 3-5 weeks
  • Machine Learning Engineers — 5-8 weeks.

By Employing Our IT Staff Augmentation Services, You Will Be Able to Benefit from the Following Advantages:

A Terrific</br>Value-For-Money Ratio

A Terrific
Value-For-Money Ratio

In the vast majority of instances, our international clients save up to 40-50% of what they would, normally, have to shell out locally. The engagement model we offer for our Team Augmentation services is Time & Material (monthly payments that consist of the hired expert’s salary + our company’s fee, being a set and agreed-upon amount). It’s that simple and totally transparent.
Transparent &</br>Reliable Recruitment

Transparent &
Reliable Recruitment

To boost your team performance and collaboration with the new team players, you will be able to personally converse with several candidates and pick the one that matches your needs better. We guarantee an unconditional replacement of any of the provided employees wherever required in a relatively short space of time, discussed and negotiated with our clients.


We may offer you a faster project start due to the immediate allocation of 1-2 experts as well as much shorter recruitment cycles that can reduce your time-to-market.
Premier Outsourcing</br>Location

Premier Outsourcing

We have direct, immediate, and nationwide access to one of the world’s brightest IT talent pools. Ukraine is a world-renowned nearshore software development location being home to some 190 000 IT experts.


Our cultural and physical proximity to the West and strong familiarity, and experience with other cultures. Our experts have previous experience of communicating internationally with their colleagues and, thus, are easy to integrate with your in-house development team.


Let’s discuss your IT needs, project ideas and plans with us, so we could provide you with business-specific partnership possibilities.

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